The destination premium ingredients
brc aa certified

White/Red/Pink Toasted Onion Powder

White/Red/Pink Toasted Onion Powder

As one of the premier Toasted Onion Powder manufacturers, Prime Agro Foods boasts an in-house team of skilled professionals who have perfected the art of toasting fresh onions. We source fresh raw onions from trusted farmers, and our dedicated team cleans and toasts them in our automated manufacturing facility. With the aid of our latest machinery, we efficiently produce and deliver high quantities of Toasted Onion Powder in record time. Our unwavering commitment to quality has earned us the distinction of being one of the most prominent Toasted Onion Powder suppliers in India.


  • Enhance the flavour of any dish or snack with the bold essence of onions using Toasted Onion Powder.
  • Sprinkle Prime Agro Food’s Toasted Onion Powder over salads for a burst of flavour.
  • Blend it into your favourite mayonnaise for a delicious twist.
  • Incorporate it into curry recipes to add depth and richness.
  • Elevate salads and soups to sheer scrumptiousness with its distinctive toasted onion flavour.

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